
GV engineering lab

GV engineering lab

Ann Schmiedekamp, professor of physics at Penn State Abington, demonstrates equipment to engineering students at the Penn State regional engineering lab.

Julie Stanton and Lauren Cooke

Marketing professor aims to shape consumer attitudes toward food

For Penn State Brandywine associate professor of business Julie Stanton, marketing and business isn’t just about the bottom line. The self-described “macro marketer” is digging deeper and hopes that her research could be used to educate consumers and bring change to government policy.
Julie Stanton and Lauren Cooke

BW_Jule Stanton

Penn State Brandywine associate professor of business Julie Stanton, right, stood with her research colleague Laurel Cook at the Marketing and Public Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.

Abington robotics

Abington robotics

China, Japan, Italy and England are destinations for Abington students enrolled in courses with international travel components in spring 2014.